Ornithology and wildlife around East Lancashire, Pendle hill and the Forest of Bowland, by Neil Mitchell

Sunday 3 June 2007

On this evenings garden safari, the owls caught me out, by moving roost slightly. I only managed this one shot before they moved back to their usual tree. The young crows have left their nest nearby and had probably been disturbing the owls.

The 3 moths below are "riband wave", "silver ground carpet" and my first "silver y" of the year. Some silver y's are annual migrants from the continent!

Around the front pond there are some common blue and blue-tailed damselflies...

....and I noticed that not all the pink flowers are red campion, this wildflower is called "herb robert".

I managed to watch 2 blackcaps singing from the same bush. One was male, but the other I couldnt see very well. Don't know if it was a rival male or if females also sing.
Also, 2 swallows are still being quite undecisive as to where to build their nest under the eaves.

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