Ornithology and wildlife around East Lancashire, Pendle hill and the Forest of Bowland, by Neil Mitchell

Wednesday 30 April 2008

Pied flycatcher at moorpiece

I can drive again! My left foot was a bit delicate on the clutch with the 3 broken toes but now that the pins are out , I can now get further afield and twitch some of the summer migrants.

I drove up to "Moor piece" as I do every April. Pied flycatchers and wood warbler are specialities here. As soon as I got out the car I heard nuthatch, chiffchaff, willow warblers, wren , robin, goldcrest, tawny owl and garden warbler.
I'm not counting "heard only" species on the '08 list, so tawny owl and garden warbler still dont make it. This time last year, I was knee-deep in tawnies, with a pair showing in the back fields every day. Guy Fawkes night was the last time I saw them....funny that, they must not like loud fireworks.

Anyway, no wood warblers yet, never did locate the garden warb for a sighting, but I did find a pair of Pied flys hanging around nestbox 23/2.
They dont stay still very long these ones, but I eventually dodgyscoped both male and female.

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