Ornithology and wildlife around East Lancashire, Pendle hill and the Forest of Bowland, by Neil Mitchell

Wednesday 23 May 2007

I put my back out at the weekend, so I've not been up and about much. A medical website recommended that I exercise the joint rather than staying in bed and resting though. So I went for a short walk this morning, the weather was still and overcast.

Swallows alarm call made me look up just in time to see a sparrowhawk swoop for a kill just 20 meters from me. I could even hear the "swoosh" as it shot past! Wow! It missed the kill though and was seen off by the swallows.

Lots of noise coming from all 4 of our blue-tit occupied boxes. The male blackcap that's been singing wasnt around today. The 2 tawny owls are still roosting in the corner of the hedgerow and I found 2 or 3 "silver-ground carpet" moths also.

Heres a link to UKmoths. Its a great website for IDing any interesting moths that you might find in the UK.

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