Ornithology and wildlife around East Lancashire, Pendle hill and the Forest of Bowland, by Neil Mitchell

Monday, 28 December 2009

Pendle hill in the snow

Pretty deep snow up on the hill even though theres been a bit of a thaw down in the valley.

Heres a couple of shots of my hiking poles, before and after.

The 2nd joint on my poles shows the snow to be about 14 inches deep, on the path, some of the drifts were about 3 feet deep!

I found these fox tracks on the virgin snow. You can see where its brush has marked the snow too. Also found tracks of rabbit, hare, grouse and tiny mammal (shrew/vole/mouse) tracks too.

A few humans had been up here too....

No birds to be seen at all after pendleside farm until I found a single Golden plover on the path to scout cairn. Red grouse were heard constantly but never seen.

I stopped at Scout cairn for some warm soup and a turkey sandwich and then headed back along the ridge above Downham. At last I saw the Snow buntings. The flock was flying below me, silently. I quickly counted about 30 birds before they disappeared over a wall, not to be found again.

On the way back over the summit, the masses were out in force. When I started todays walk at 10 am, there were 2 cars in the lay-by and only a couple of other folks on the hill. By 2pm the trig point looked like it was on a busy street, loud groups wearing wet jeans talking loudly on mobile phones. No more chance of any wildlife sightings or solitude.

Wednesday, 23 December 2009

Velvet Scoter on Barrow lodge

Monday, 19 October 2009

Nice weather for ducks @ Leighton moss

Sunday, 11 October 2009

First Redwings positively Id'ed over Billington Viaduct today. I've seen distance flocks over the previous few days but couldnt be 100% certain.

Tuesday, 22 September 2009

Last Chiffchaff heard in full song today, from grounds of Whalley Abbey. Very nice weather probably confused it.

Sunday, 20 September 2009

Last swallows head south

15 swallows over Barrow today heading purposefully south. Seen whilst I prepared for winter by chopping more logs.

Thursday, 20 August 2009

As usual, the only birding I get done these days is to nip up the back field in Barrow for a look at the tawny owl pair. I didnt find the light bird yesterday, but the dark bird is the most approachable anyway. I must get round to cleaning out the nest boxes in the hope that they might breed next year.

Tuesday, 18 August 2009

Unusually, I only managed to find the "light" bird today, roosting very high up in an alder tree.

Thursday, 13 August 2009

Barrow lodge
Jill and I took treakle for a walk around barrow lodge (lower) this morning. min 100 juv and female mallard, 1 single juv tufted duck, 3 bh gulls and 1 pied wagtail were all that was to be seen.
In the wildflowers at the "macdonalds" side I found 4 species of butterfly in as many metres small copper, common blue (male), painted lady and small white.

Tuesday, 11 August 2009

Found both owls together today for the first time in a while.

However, the lighter coloured bird moved hiding place once he/she knew that they'd been spotted.

Sunday, 9 August 2009

River calder from whalley bridge

I heard a bit of a commotion as I was crossing Whalley bridge this evening. Young mallards, a grey wagtail and a dipper, all going a bit mental at something. It didnt take me long to spot a pesky mink hunting along the banks. The mink was quite vocal too.

Friday, 7 August 2009

One of my resident tawny owls in Barrow has a new roost, took ages to find him/her today. This is the darker bird, who isn't as skittish as the lighter one. I couldnt locate the lighter bird today.

Wednesday, 5 August 2009

Juv Cuckoo at Lower foulridge reservoir

Sunday, 21 June 2009

Cuba June 4th - 18th

Armed with "Birds of Cuba" (Garrido and Kirkconnell) as my field guide, my target species for this trip were -
1) Bee hummingbird - the smallest bird in the world, a must see!
2) Cuban trogon - the national bird of Cuba
3) Cuban tody - the "pin-up" cute bird, also an endemic.

My target list was made keeping in mind that I was visiting Havana, Vinales and Maria la Gorda but not the Zapata peninsula. This was really a scuba diving holiday.....birding comes second.

Flicking through the field guides plates now, I'll list what I managed to find.

1. Magnificent frigatebird - only 1 or 2 individuals seen at MlaG.

2. Brown pelican - 1 sorry-looking individual at Havana port area.
3. Neotropic cormorant - 1 in flight at MlaG
4. Anhinga - 1 high over Vinales but unmistakable in flight.
5. Reddish egret - brief views from bus en route from Hav to Vin.
6. Great blue heron - as with reddish egret.
7. Great egret - as with reddish egret.
8. Snowy egret - 1 or 2 at MlaG.
9.Cattle egret - Abundant, daily.
10. Green heron - nearly daily.

11. Turkey vulture - Abundant, daily.

12. Snail kite - Male at MlaG, female seen perched near Pinar del rio.
13. American kestrel - Abundant along motorway.
14. Helmeted guineafowl - 3 (escapees?) at MlaG
15. Killdeer - def. the most common wader. Seen nearly every day.

16. Black necked stilt - 1 individual near Pinar del Rio.
17. Laughing gull - only 1 or 2 on the whole trip.
18. Sandwich tern - seen 4 or 5 times from MlaG, IDed using video footage.
19. Plain pigeon

20. White crowned pigeon - over MlaG almost daily
21. Mourning dove - daily

22. Collared dove - pair in Havana city centre.
23. Zenaida dove - common around Havana.
24. Smooth billed Ani - several seen at MlaG and Vin.

25. Great lizard cuckoo - twice(obscured views)at MlaG, hunting cicadas and quite vocal.
26. Antillean nighthawk - every evening over Hav, Vin and MlaG. Roosted in tree at our Casa.

27. Antillean palm-swift - common wherever there were palms! Also nested in hotel palm-thatched roof.
28. Cuban trogon - 1 from bus near Vin, 2 at MlaG.

29. Cuban emerald hummingbird - abundant at MlaG in hotel gardens.

30. Bee hummingbird - several feeding in the gardens daily at MlaG. I'm still editing video footage, but it does show male, female and juvs.

31. Cuban green woodpecker - pair at Vin, several at MlaG.

32. West indian woodpecker - common on the beach! at MlaG. Nesting in palms. Fearless.

33. La sagra's flycatcher - I found it hard to separate from Cuban peewee using this field guide but I think the pic below is the La sagra's. Family nesting near my hut at MlaG.

34. Cuban peewee - flycatchers seen daily - hard to ID
35. Gray kingbird - daily at MlaG. and common along motorway.

36. Loggerhead kingbird - common at MlaG. Pair seen here at nest.

37. Black whiskered vireo - very common, always heard.

38. Cuban vireo - seen once at MlaG.
39. Cuban crow - scarce at MlaG. Very vocal but shy.
40. Cave swallow - 1st bird seen as I set foot in Cuba, at the airport! Abundant in Hav.

41. Cuban martin - common in Hav.
42. Barn swallow - 1 seen at beach at MlaG.
43. Red-legged thrush - common. MlaG, Hav and Vin.

44. Northern mockingbird - common everywhere.
45. Yellow-headed warbler - common at MlaG. Daily.

46. Stripe-headed tanager - Common at MlaG. also afew at Vin.

47. Yellow faced grassquit - common at MlaG. Several daily.

48. Cuban bullfinch - daily at MlaG, very confiding, suspended nest near my hut. Seen here building.

49. House sparrow - abundant in Hav.
50. Shiny cowbird - 1 male in park in Hav.
51. Greater antillean grackle - abundant and widespread.
52. Cuban blackbird - a few individuals at MlaG and Vin
53. Black cowled oriole - common at MlaG, but getting rarer, I filmed one being pounced upon by one of the many feral cats in the Guanahacabibes national park!

So made the half century, but dipped on the target tody. Shame to have dipped on all the owls too, as they are a fav of mine. Loved the bee hummers and the roosting nighthawk was a highlight too.

Other wildlife included huge iguanas,

many species of small anole lizards, geckos, white-tailed deer and these hutias (giant tree rodents) which took me very much by surprise whilst scanning the treetops.

I'll take care of the diving and underwater life on my other blog, once I've edited all the underwater footage. Suffice it to say that I enjoyed the birding more than the diving on this trip.

I'll sign off with a pic of me in typical holiday tourist mode..... trust me to find an Austrian mircobrewery in downtown Havana.