Ornithology and wildlife around East Lancashire, Pendle hill and the Forest of Bowland, by Neil Mitchell

Saturday, 12 July 2008

Kestrel progress

I expected to return from Cornwall, to find the Kestrel box brimming with activity but the eggs don't seem to have hatched yet. I've got a few angles where I can see into the box from distance with the scope, and the view is usually just the female sitting.
I managed to watch a food exchange this morning about 7am. The male flew in with a vole and the female left the box to collect it from him. She took her time eating but eventually returned to the box.

On Monday morning (7th July) I saw a Kingfisher in the garden!!!! It flew through quite high, from the direction of Barrow lodge, but I've no idea where it was heading and why it was taking the "overland" route. I'd have thought it would have followed barrow brook.

I heard the familiar yaffling of a Green woodpecker this week , and sighted it a couple of times too. On checking back on my blog I can see that the last sighting here was exactly a year ago, to within a couple of days!!! They don't breed on my patch, so this must be a post breeding dispersion.

Also saw my 3rd fox in as many weeks. I sometimes put out any meat scraps in the back field. Hopefully, I can encourage it to return more frequently. It had a bad limp on its hind leg, but then, so did one of the"springwatch" foxes and it seemed to get better.

I found this moth on the kitchen window last night, whilst fox and bat watching.

I havent ID'ed it yet but I've asked the experts on birdforum.

I'd have loved to have got out birding this w/e but cant really justify the diesel cost to Leighton moss or even to Stocks res. I'll wait until I have an errand to run, nearer to a birding spot.

Sunday, 6 July 2008

Sun haven camping/Jack Johnson gig, nr Newquay

Eden project, Cornwall